Mutual Recognition Survey for Councils


1. Please tick if you would like your name and personal contact details to remain confidential(Required)
2. Name(Required)
7. How long is a Section 68 approval valid for in your council area?(Required)

8. Approximately how many Section 68 approvals for buskers, market stalls, outdoor fitness trainers and food trucks (‘mobile vendors’) does your council process per month in total?(Required)
9. How many business days on average does it take to issue a Section 68 approval for mobile vendors?(Required)
11. What would be a reasonable number of business days to check whether a Section 68 approval issued by another council for mobile vendors satisfies any special conditions your council typically requires for approval to operate in its area?(Required)

12a. What types of conditions would your council typically apply to a Section 68 approval for a mobile vendor to operate in your LGA?(Required)
13. What does your council currently charge for assessing and issuing a Section 68 approval to a mobile business (on average)?(Required)
14. What would be a reasonable fee for reviewing a Section 68 approval issued by another council to operate in your LGA?(Required)
16. How many times do you enforce non-compliance measures with a Section 68 approval per year?(Required)
17. Do you consent to receiving an email invite to a workshop later this year regarding the mutual recognition framework?(Required)