NSW OFFICE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY - TAB DELIMITED DETAILS README FILE -------------------------------------------------------------- The file LGDTAB.TXT contains details of General Purpose Councils, County Councils and Regional Organisations of Councils. The details presented have been compiled from data received from the organisations listed and are correct as at the "Export Date" indicated in the last line of the file. The details are presented in tab delimited form with the following columns: ABS - Australian Bureau of Statistics code for Organisation ORGNAME - Organisation Name POSTAL_ADD1 - First line of Organisation Postal Address POSTAL_ADD2 - Second line of Organisation Postal Address POSTAL_SUBURB - Suburb Organisation Postal Address POSTAL_STATE - State of Organisation Postal Address POSTAL_PCODE - Postcode of Organisation Postal Address STREET_ADD1 - First line of Organisation Street Address STREET_ADD2 - Second line of Organisation Street Address STREET_SUBURB - Suburb Organisation Street Address STREET_STATE - State of Organisation Street Address STREET_PCODE - Postcode of Organisation Street Address PHONE - Organisation Phone Number FAX - Organisation Facsimile Number DX - Organisation Document Exchange Number (if available) GM_SAL - Salutation for Organisation's General Manager (eg. Mr, Ms, Dr) GM_FIRST - First name of Organisation's General Manager GM_LAST - Last name of Organisation's General Manager GM_AWARD - Award(s) of Organisation's General Manager (eg. OAM, LLB) MAYOR_SAL - Salutation for Organisation's Mayor (eg. Mr, Ms, Dr, Clr) MAYOR_FIRST - First name of Organisation's Mayor MAYOR_LAST - Last name of Organisation's Mayor MAYOR_AWARD - Award(s) of Organisation's Mayor (eg. OAM, LLB) CHAIR_SAL - Salutation for Organisation's Chairperson (eg. Mr, Ms, Dr) CHAIR_FIRST - First name of Organisation's Chairperson CHAIR_LAST - Last name of Organisation's Chairperson CHAIR_AWARD - Award(s) of Organisation's Chairperson (eg. OAM, LLB) EMAIL - Organisation's Email Address (if applicable) WEB - Organisation's World-Wide-Web Page (if applicable) AREA - Council's Area (in square kilometres) POPULATION - Council's Population If you have any queries regarding the supplied material, please contact the Office by email at olg@olg.nsw.gov.au or by phone on (02) 4428 4100.