Rehoming Practices Review

The Rehoming Practices Review is examining the current rehoming practices and factors driving euthanasia rates.  The Review will be undertaken in consultation with metropolitan, regional and rural councils as well as NSW rehoming organisations, to collect and analyse information to better understand euthanasia rates and trends. It will examine breeding, desexing and rehoming practices and their impacts on euthanasia rates.

The objectives of the Review are to:

  • provide the NSW Government with an overview of the current legislative and policy framework supporting the rehoming of companion animals in NSW and how the NSW framework and outcomes compare to other Australian jurisdictions
  • provide an overview of existing practices and euthanasia rates in NSW council pounds and provide detail of sector challenges and best practice
  • provide recommended strategies to further reduce euthanasia rates, encompassing:
    • possible legislative reform
    • improvements to impounding processes
    • education and capacity building
    • better data collection and reporting.

The overarching aim is to reduce unnecessary euthanasia of companion animals and to increase successful rehoming of companion animals.

To assist with the implementation of the Companion Animals Amendment (Rehoming Animals) Act, a factsheet is available for download here.

An Issues Paper framing consultation for the Review is available for download here.

A Draft Report is now complete and available for feedback until 28 October 2022. The report contains an overview of rehoming arrangements for companion animals in NSW, in-depth analysis of the specific challenges associated with the rehoming of cats and dogs along with potential options for improvement, followed by findings and a total of 8 draft recommendations.

If you wish to comment on the draft report, please email submissions, labelled ‘Rehoming Practices Review’ and marked to the attention of OLG’s Policy Team, to by 28 October 2022.