
24-13 Annual Reporting of Labour Statistics

Subject/titleAnnual Reporting of Labour StatisticsCircular DetailsCircular No 24-13 / 23 July 2024 / A907664Previous Circular23-08 Annual Reporting of Labour StatisticsWho should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Human ResourcesContactCouncil Governance Team / 02 4428 4100 / requiredCouncil to ImplementPDF...

Council Circular 24-11 ICAC guidance for Councillors on corruption risks associated with overseas travel

SubjectICAC guidance for Councillors on corruption risks associated with overseas travelCircular Details24-11 / 14-06-2024 / A902181Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Council Governance StaffContactCouncil Governance/ (02) 4428 4100 / requiredCouncil to ImplementPDF Version24-11 ICAC guidance for Councillors...

Council Circular 24-10 Resources for candidates standing at the local government elections

Subject/titleResources for candidates standing at the local government electionsCircular Details24-10 / 13-06-2024 / Doc A896197Previous Circular24-04 New local government elections webpage launched on the Office of Local Government’s websiteWho should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / All council staffContactCouncil Governance...

Council Circular 24-09 Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 removing the option for councils to employ senior council executives under statutory contracts.

Subject/titleAmendments to the Local Government Act 1993 removing the option for councils to employ senior council executives under statutory contracts.Circular Details24-09 / 12-06-2024 / A901423Previous Circular22-27 Discussion paper – Senior staff employmentWho should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Senior...

Council Circular 24-08 2024/25 Determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal) has determined an increase of 3.75% to mayoral and councillor fees for the 2024-25 financial year, with effect from 1 July 2024. The Tribunal is required to determine the remuneration categories of councils and mayoral offices at least once every 3 years under section 239 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The Tribunal last undertook a significant review of the categories as part of its 2023 determination and will next review these categories in 2026.

Council Circular 24-06 Privacy and the Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme

Circular Details24-06 / 29/05/2024 / A899914Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Governance and records staff / all council staffContactCouncil Governance Team / 02 4428 4100 / requiredCouncil to ImplementPDF Version24-06 Privacy and the Mandatory Notification of Data...

Council Circular 24-04 New local government elections webpage launched on the Office of Local Government’s website

Local Government elections will be held on 14 September 2024. • The Office of Local Government (OLG) has launched a dedicated webpage to provide information and resources for candidates, councils, and councillors in the lead up to the elections and following the elections.

Council Circular 24-02 Minor Works contract form for infrastructure delivery for councils

NSW Public Works has developed the Minor Works 21 Local Government (MW21-LG) Contract that is a plain English, cooperative, and collaborative form of contract, to support the NSW local government sector in delivering infrastructure.

Council Circular 24-01 Constitutional referendums and council polls

Councils are reminded to inform the NSW Electoral Commissioner (NSWEC) if they have resolved for the NSWEC to administer a constitutional referendum or poll in conjunction with the September 2024 local government elections.

23-17 Update on councils’ obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW)

The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) (the MSA) created new obligations for councils under the Local Government Act 1993 (the LGA) relating to modern slavery. Local councils are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that the goods and services they procure are not the product of modern slavery, and to report on those steps.