
14-02 – Approval of Internal Audit Bureau as an alternative provider of conduct reviewers

What’s new or changing

  • As Chief Executive of the Division of Local Government, and in accordance with clause 6.2(b) of the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW, I have approved the Internal Audit Bureau (IAB) as an alternative provider of conduct reviewers.

What this will mean for your council

  • General Managers should bring this circular to the attention of their council’s complaints coordinator and any alternate complaints coordinators.
  • Complaints coordinators may refer code of conduct complaints about councillors or the General Manager to a conduct reviewer selected from a panel established by the IAB as an alternative to referring the complaint to a conduct reviewer selected from the council’s panel.
  • Referrals to the IAB should be made through Mr Shane Boyd or Ms Elaine Brus. Contact details for Mr Boyd and Ms Brus are as follows:

Mr Shane Boyd
Telephone: 9261 9107
Mobile: 0423 024 949

Ms Elaine Brus
Associate Director
Telephone: 9261 9101
Mobile: 0417 280 470

Key points

  • Clause 6.2(b) of the Model Code Procedures allows complaints coordinators to refer code of conduct complaints to a conduct reviewer selected from a panel of conduct reviewers established by an organisation approved by the Chief Executive as an alternative to referral to the panel established by the council.
  • The Chief Executive’s decision to give approval to the IAB under clause 6.2(b) provides all councils with access to an alternative pool of conduct reviewers.

Where to go for further information

  • Further information is available by contacting the Division’s Council Governance Team.

Ross Woodward
Chief Executive, Local Government
A Division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet