
16-37 Local authority mandatory swimming pool inspection program reminder

What’s new or changing

  • Local authorities are required to develop and adopt a program for the inspection of swimming pools in their areas to ensure compliance with the requirements of section 22B of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (the Act).
  • Swimming pools that fall within the following two categories require mandatory inspection:
    • premises on which there is a tourist and visitor accommodation; or
    • properties with more than two dwellings.

What this will mean for your council

  • Councils are reminded they were required to inspect all tourist and visitor accommodation and properties with more than two dwellings by 29 April 2016.

Key points

  • Section 22B(2) of the Act requires local authorities to make provision for the inspection, at least once every three years, of any swimming pool situated on premises on which there is tourist and visitor accommodation or premises where there are more than two dwellings.

Where to go for further information

Tim Hurst

Acting Chief Executive