
16-48 – Special Variation and Minimum Rate Variation Guidelines and Process for 2017/18

What’s new or changing

  • The Guidelines for Special Variation and Minimum Rate Variation for the 2017/18 rating year have been released.

What this will mean for your council

  • New councils and those where a merger is pending due to legal proceedings will not be eligible for a special or minimum rate variation for the 2017/18 rating year.
  • The Guidelines outline the process for all other councils seeking to apply for a special or minimum rate variation for 2017/18.

Key points

  • New councils and those where a merger is pending due to legal proceedings will not be eligible for a special or minimum rate variation for the 2017/18 rating year.
  • For those councils where a merger is pending but not subject to legal challenge, the council is still eligible to apply for a special or minimum rate variation. If the council is not merged prior to IPART making a determination, any approved special or minimum rate variation will commence as usual.
  • Councils that intend to apply for a special variation or a minimum rate variation should notify IPART by 16 December 2016.
  • Applications are due by 13 February 2017 for a special variation and 13 March 2017 for a minimum rate variation.
  • Being a Fit Council does not negate the requirements set out in the Guidelines.
  • There are no other major changes to the Guidelines for 2017/18.
  • Other changes have clarified special rate minimums and updated application timetable.

Where to go for further information

Tim Hurst
Acting Chief Executive