
17-05 – Innovation Fund – Round Two – Open for Applications

What’s new or changing

  • Round Two of the Innovation Fund is now open for eligible councils.
  • The Innovation Fund aims to help small councils in regional NSW overcome some of the challenges they face in supporting their communities and maintaining quality local services.
  • Councils with a population of less than 10,000 are eligible to apply for a grant.
  • There is also an opportunity for larger councils to partner with smaller councils to act as a mentor or sponsor.
    Funding of $2 million is available through the second round.

What this will mean for your council

  • One-off grants (up to $150,000 for individual projects and up to $400,000 for projects involving more than one council) are available to support councils develop new ideas or innovative ways of working to improve performance.
  • This might include introducing new innovative business processes, developing and implementing more innovative service delivery models, sharing of resources across councils, or using new or emerging technology to help overcome the challenge of distance.

Key points

  • Applications are now open and close on 9 June 2017.
  • Councils should read the Innovation Fund Guidelines (Round Two) before applying. The Guidelines have been updated, and provide details about who is eligible to apply for funding, the types of projects that may receive a grant, how to apply for a grant and how applications will be assessed.
  • A Funding Application Guide has also been developed to assist councils when applying for a grant.

Where to go for further information

  • Contact the relevant Office of Local Government Relationship Manager on 02 4428 4100.

Tim Hurst
Acting Chief Executive