
16-46 – Development of a Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW

What’s new or changing

  • The recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) provide for a model code of meeting practice (model meeting code) to be prescribed by regulation.
  • Work on developing the model meeting code has now commenced.  The code will contain both mandatory and non-mandatory provisions.  Once the model meeting code is finalised, and prescribed by regulation, councils will be required to adopt a code of meeting practice that incorporates its mandatory provisions. Councils’ codes of meeting practice must not contain provisions that are inconsistent with the mandatory provisions of the model meeting code.
  • It is anticipated that the mandatory provisions of the model meeting code will incorporate the meeting rules currently prescribed under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (the Regulation).
  • Councils’ adopted codes of meeting practice may also incorporate the
    non-mandatory provisions of the model meeting code and any other provisions. It is anticipated that the non-mandatory provisions of the model meeting code will contain better practice meeting rules.

What this will mean for your council

  • The Office of Local Government has commenced the process of developing a model meeting code. As part of this process, the Office is:
    • undertaking a review of the existing meeting rules prescribed by the Regulation, and
    • seeking to identify examples of better practice meeting rules contained in councils’ adopted codes of meeting practice.
  • The Office is seeking the assistance of councils in developing the model meeting code. In particular the Office is seeking submissions on the following:
    • how the current meeting rules prescribed by the Regulation can be improved,
    • any areas of meeting practice that are not currently prescribed that should be prescribed, and
  • any examples of better practice that may be incorporated in the non-mandatory provisions of the model meeting code.

Key points

  • Submissions may be made by email to
  • Submissions should be labelled “model code of meeting practice development” and marked to the attention of the Office’s Council Governance Team.
  • Submissions should be made before Friday 20 January 2017.

Where to go for further information

  • For further information, contact the Office’s Council Governance Team on 02 4428 4100.

Tim Hurst

Acting Chief Executive