Local Government Recovery Grants Program

AGRN 1030/1034 – NSW Severe Weather and Flooding: 4 August 2022 onwards / 14 September 2022 onwards – Up to $1,000,000

The Australian Government and NSW Government are supporting the recovery of communities impacted by August and September 2022 NSW flooding events, AGRN 1030 and AGRN 1034. Funding is available to general purpose councils to support the emerging relief and recovery needs within impacted communities and contribute to building disaster resilience and reducing the impact of future disaster events.

The Local Government Recovery Grant program is a component of a jointly funded, exceptional circumstance Category D package approved under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements 2018 (DRFA) in response to NSW Flood events AGRN 1030 and AGRN 1034.

The objective of the program is to support eligible councils to facilitate community relief and recovery following eligible disaster events AGRN 1030 and AGRN 1034, and promote projects that increase disaster resilience to reduce the impact of future disaster events.

In recognition that the impact of these flooding events has been diverse, councils can apply the funding to a range of activities that best meet their local community’s recovery needs. Councils will be responsible for working with the Office of Local Government (OLG) to ensure funding for nominated projects complements (rather than duplicates) any other sources of assistance being delivered.

For further information or enquiries please contact the Grants Team, NSW Office of Local Government at grants@olg.nsw.gov.au


AGRN 1025 – NSW Severe Weather and Flooding: 27 June 2022 onwards – Up to $1,000,000

The Local Government Recovery Grants program is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Government and administered by the Office of Local Government under Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) 2018.

The objective of the program is to deliver immediate flexible grants to eligible disaster declared local councils for projects which support economic and social recovery projects at a local level.

In recognition of the diverse impact of storm and flood events throughout 2022, eligible councils can apply for funding for a range of activities that best meet their local community’s needs. The program will encourage community and local economic recovery in the short, medium and long-term.


For further information or enquiries please contact the Grants Team, Office of Local Government at grants@olg.nsw.gov.au


AGRN 1012 – NSW Severe Weather and Flooding: 22 February 2022 onwards – Up to $1,000,000

The Local Government Recovery Grants program is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Government and administered by the Office of Local Government under Category D of the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) 2018.

The objective of the program is to deliver immediate flexible grants to eligible disaster declared local councils for projects which support economic and social recovery projects at a local level.

In recognition of the impact of storm and flood events throughout early 2022 has been diverse, eligible councils can apply for funding for a range of activities that best meet their local community’s needs. The program will encourage community and local economic recovery in the short, medium and long-term.

For further information or enquiries please contact the Grants Team, Office of Local Government at grants@olg.nsw.gov.au


Highly Impacted Councils – NSW Severe Weather and Flooding: 22 February 2022 onwards – Up to $2,000,000

The Local Government Recovery Grants program is funded by the NSW Government and administered by the Office of Local Government to support highly impacted disaster declared councils in disaster recovery and resilience initiatives.

In recognition of the significant impact to the Northern Rivers and Hawkesbury City Council local government areas from storm and flood events throughout early 2022, the Local Government Recovery Grants program provides additional funding to support these regions in a broad range of recovery and resilience activities that best meet their local community’s needs. The program will encourage community and local economic recovery in the short, medium and long-term.

For further information or enquiries please contact the Grants Team, Office of Local Government at grants@olg.nsw.gov.au


Highly Impacted Councils Companion Animals Support – NSW Severe Weather and Flooding: 22 February 2022 onwards – Up to $375,000

The Local Government Recovery Grants program is funded by the NSW Government and administered by the Office of Local Government, to deliver immediate flexible funding to highly impacted disaster declared councils to support pound operations in assisting with reuniting and rehoming pets displaced by the floods.

While much work has been undertaken to recognise the importance of pets in the evacuation and immediate recovery environments by the relevant agencies, there is still an increased risk of animals being lost or unable to be rehomed, with potential increases in the level of pets being destroyed.

To manage this risk, the NSW State Government is making funding available to eligible councils for a range of activities that best meet their local community’s needs. The program intent is to encourage community and local economic recovery in the short, medium and long-term, and support the broader Government policy directives to improve animal welfare standards and the operations of council pounds including its support of the Companion Animals Amendment (Rehoming Animals) Act 2021.

For further information or enquiries please contact the Grants Team, Office of Local Government at grants@olg.nsw.gov.au