
Council Circular 24-21 Fresh Start Toolkit for Councils

Subject/titleFresh Start Toolkit for Councils
Circular DetailsCircular No 24-21 / 13 November 2024 / Doc ID A937535
Previous CircularCouncil Circular 24-20 A Fresh Start for Local Government Apprentices, Trainees and Cadets Grants Program
Who should read thisCouncil staff, Engagement and Talent Acquisition teams
Action requiredInformation
PDF Version24-21 Fresh Start Toolkit for Councils – PDF

What’s new or changing?

  • The Office of Local Government (OLG) has issued a Stakeholder Toolkit for councils to aid their engagement around the Fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets (Fresh Start) program.

What will this mean for council?

  • The Toolkit provides text, graphics, videos and communication scripts to guide councils engaging with the public about the Fresh Start program and its purpose.
  • Councils can use the Toolkit to update websites, produce newsletters and social media updates, and keep their community engaged on the Fresh Start program.

Key points

  • The Stakeholder Toolkit can be found online at /apprentice-trainee under the ‘Stakeholder Resources’ tab at the bottom of the page.        

Where to go for further information

Danny Lester

Acting Deputy Secretary, Office of Local Government