Mutual Recognition

The Office of Local Government is seeking feedback on the approvals process for mobile vendors to operate across multiple council areas.


What is Mutual Recognition?

The NSW Government is introducing reforms to create more vibrant public spaces and increase economic opportunity. Mutual Recognition will help achieve this by reducing red tape and streamlining approval processes.

Currently a range of businesses must seek separate approval from councils in each council area they wish to operate, as required under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Mutual Recognition will allow certain mobile businesses to operate across multiple council areas by seeking approval once and having that approval recognised by other councils.


What types of businesses will the Mutual Recognition framework be available to?

This new framework will be available to the following business types:

  • food trucks
  • buskers
  • outdoor fitness, and
  • market stalls

It may be rolled out to additional mobile business types in the future.


Who is involved in developing the Mutual Recognition framework?

The Office of Local Government is leading on this work and collaborating with NSW Government agencies, councils, mobile businesses and with the public.

Relevant agencies include the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner and the Small Business Commissioner.


Where can you provide input, comments and feedback on the framework?

If you are a council, mobile business or have views that you would like to share, we encourage you to provide input into the development of this new, streamlined approval framework by completing and submitting the survey below.

Submissions close 5pm Thursday 24 October 2024.

Potential further opportunities to provide feedback such as submissions on a discussion paper, and workshops may be available in future. Should you wish to be involved, please submit the survey below or email


For further information on the Government’s Vibrancy Reforms: Vibrancy Reforms | NSW Government.

Have your Say - Complete the Survey

Information of privacy and confidentiality

When you submit this survey, the Office of Local Government (OLG) will be collecting some personal information about you, in particular:your name

  • your name
  • your email address
  • any personal information you decide to put in the additional comment field. All input received through this consultation process may be made publicly available.

Please let us know below if you do not want your name and personal details published. As part of the consultation process, we may need to share your information with people outside OLG, including other public authorities and government agencies. We may also use your email to send you notifications about further feedback opportunities or the outcome of the consultation. There may also be circumstances when OLG is required by law to release information (for example, in accordance with the requirements of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009).

There is a privacy policy located on OLG’s website that explains how some data is automatically collected (such as your internet protocol (IP) address) whenever you visit OLG’s website. The link to that policy is