17-14 – Elections for councils affected by merger proposals on 9 September 2017
On 7 April 2017 the Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP, issued an order under section 318C(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 nominating 9 September 2017 as the date on which elections will be held for councils that are the subject of pending and discontinued merger proposals.
17-13 – Preparation of non-residential rolls
The Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) requires council general managers to prepare and confirm the rolls of non-resident owners, occupiers and ratepaying lessees of rateable land in the council’s area (the non-residential rolls).
17-11 – Council decision-making prior to the September 2017 local government elections
Clause 393B of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 limits councils’ ability to exercise some of their functions in the four weeks preceding the date of a local government election (the caretaker period).
17-12 – “Electoral matter” and use of council resources prior to local government elections
Council officials (including Administrators) must not use council resources, property (including intellectual property), and facilities for the purposes of assisting their election campaign or the election campaign of others unless the use is lawfully authorised and proper payment is made where appropriate.
17-10 – Final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting
The final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Code) (Update 25) is available for preparing councils’ 2016/17 financial statements. Relevant council staff should note key changes made to this year’s Code.
17-09 – Information about Rating 2017-18
The maximum Boarding House Tariffs and maximum interest rate chargeable on overdue rates and charges for 2017-18 has been determined.
17-08 – 2017/18 Determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal
The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (the Tribunal) has determined an increase of 2.5% to mayoral and councillor fees for the 2017/18 financial year, with effect from 1 July 2017.
17-07 – Update to Integrated Planning and Reporting Manual – request for feedback
In response to recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993, the Office of Local Government (OLG) is revising the Integrated Planning and Reporting Guidelines.
17-06 – Commencement of Phase 1 Amendments – An Overview
The Office of Local Government has received questions about the commencement dates of amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 made by the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016 (the Phase 1 Amendments).
17-05 – Innovation Fund – Round Two – Open for Applications
Round Two of the Innovation Fund is now open for eligible councils.